Last Thursday, Team Grainger attended a seminar at the Dwight Public Library called “Peeps, Quacks, Trills and Other Froggy Thrills. Presented by Caroline Konarzewski this was an informative evening highlighting the local species of frogs and toads, the importance of them in our environment and what we as citizens can do to ensure and preserve our wetlands for generations to come.
Throughout the presentation Caroline welcomed observations from our local community which proved to be both interesting and noteworthy.
While highlighting the importance of wetlands in our community Caroline spoke of the importance of citizen participation in FrogWatch Ontario, which is part of a national initiative, FrogWatch Canada, administered by NatureWatch. FrogWatch is also a partnership between Toronto Zoo’s Adopt-A-Pond Wetland conservation Programme, NatureWatch, The David Suzuki Foundation, Nature Canada, The University of Ottawa and Wilfred Laurier University.
Everyone in our community can become involved. It’s a really simple, family friendly activity, free of charge which will benefits everyone. Use the FrogWatch Ontario’s website or App to report hearing or seeing frogs and toads in our area. Not sure which frog/toad your hearing? No worries, use the app/website to learn the calls and learn more about frogs and toads in Lake of Bays Muskoka.